Monday, January 31, 2011

How to study for North/West Africa Countries/Capitals Quiz

Hello folks - here are two study tips (which I'll also discuss in class) for the upcoming North/West Africa countries and capitals quiz.  I've inserted a blank map of Africa into this post, which you can right-click and save onto your computer.  Use the map to make flash cards to study for the quiz like this:
  1. On one side of the card or paper, glue or tape a blank copy of this map. Write the name of a country, such as Nigeria, on the top of the card.
  2. Using the blank map and the name of the country, try to locate the country on the blank map.
  3. On the other side of the card, include a copy of the map and the name of the country on the top of the card.  Color or highlight the country's location so that you can see where it is on the map.
The other method of studying for the North/West Africa countries and capitals quiz is to use an index card.  Have the capital on one side of the card and country on the other side of the card.

The test will be on February 14th for Blue 2 and Everyday on February 15th for White 1 and White 2.  Spelling WILL count on the test because I will give you a word list.  That means that you do not have to memorize the spelling of each country and capital, but you will have to spell things correctly on the test because of the word list.

Monday, January 31st, 2011

Blue 1 Reading
In-class activities:
  • Made predictions about the story "Ghost of the Lagoon"
  • Discussed and defined tone and how words in the story create tone
  • Read pages 125-129 of the story and wrote a prediction for each page as well as 3 words/phrases that create tone
  • Roots and word families worksheet
If you were absent, you need to: 
  • Turn in previous roots and word families assignment
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your signed blog letter
  • Catch up on the notes and reading that we did in class
Blue 2 Social Studies
In-class activities:
  • Finished map activity 46:  "Early Civilizations in Africa"
  • Worked on labeling countries/capitals in North Africa and West Africa
  • Discussed studying methods for quiz on countries/capitals in North and West Africa
  • Read 513-516 and do all questions
  • Finish labeling countries/capitals in North and West Africa - label all numbers on blue sheet using numbered map and label blank map on the back of the blue sheet
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby blog letter and all questions from 502-511
  • Get a PLUS pass from Mrs. Rigby to make up Map Activity 46
  • Get the blue and pink sheets from Mrs. Rigby - countries and capitals in North and West Africa
Everyday Period 4
In-class activities
  • Finished Map Activity 46
  • Introduced countries/capitals in North and West Africa
  • Discussed studying methods for North and West Africa capitals test
  • Due WEDNESDAY:  Read 513-516 and answer questions
  • Finish labeling countries/capitals in North and West Africa - label all numbers on blue sheet using numbered map and label blank map on the back of the blue sheet
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Get the blue and pink sheets from Mrs. Rigby - countries and capitals in North and West Africa
  • Show Mrs. Rigby blog letter and all questions from 502-511
  • Get a PLUS pass from Mrs. Rigby to make up Map Activity 46

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28th, 2010

White 1 and White 2

In-class activities:
  • Go over new class procedures
  • Take notes on geographical and climatic features of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Pages 502-511:  Read and complete ALL questions from these pages
  • Get blog letter signed by parent
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your homework from pages 497-501
  • Get blog letter from Mrs. Rigby
  • Ask a friend for the class notes or get them from Mrs. Rigby
  • Complete the HW from pages 502-511
Everyday Period 4
In-class activities:
  • Finish notes on geographical and climatic features of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Begin Map Activity #46:  Early Civilizations of Africa
Homework:  Read 502-511 and complete all questions

If you were absent, you need to:
  • Get the notes from a classmate
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your signed blog letter
  • Complete the homework from pages 502-511
Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tuesday, January 25th - Blue Day

Blue 1:  Reading

In-class activities
  • Discuss new classroom procedures
  • "Nadia" Quiz
  • SSR in library
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Make up "Nadia" quiz
  • Get a copy of the new classroom procedures
Blue 2:  Social Studies
In-class activities:
  • Discuss new classroom procedures
  • Review HW on pages 497-501
  • Introduce unit on Sub-Saharan Africa - locate region on map and discuss its characteristics
  • Take notes on geographical features/climate features
  • Map Activity - Early Civilizations in Africa
Homework:  Read 502-512 and do all questions

If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your homework from pages 497-501
  • Get a copy of the new classroom procedures
  • Check your homework answers with a friend or ask Mrs. Rigby to be sure you have the right answers
  • Make up Map Activity - see Mrs. Rigby for a Wednesday Plus Pass
Everyday:  Social Studies
In-class activities:
  • Discuss new classroom procedures
  • Review HW on pages 497-501
  • Introduce unit on Sub-Saharan Africa - locate region on map and discuss its characteristics
  • Take notes on geographical features/climate features
Homework:  Read 502-512 and do all questions

If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your homework from pages 497-501
  • Get a copy of the new classroom procedures
  • Check your homework answers with a friend or ask Mrs. Rigby to be sure you have the right answers

Friday, January 21, 2011


Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!  I hope that you find it helpful.