Monday, January 24, 2011

Tuesday, January 25th - Blue Day

Blue 1:  Reading

In-class activities
  • Discuss new classroom procedures
  • "Nadia" Quiz
  • SSR in library
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Make up "Nadia" quiz
  • Get a copy of the new classroom procedures
Blue 2:  Social Studies
In-class activities:
  • Discuss new classroom procedures
  • Review HW on pages 497-501
  • Introduce unit on Sub-Saharan Africa - locate region on map and discuss its characteristics
  • Take notes on geographical features/climate features
  • Map Activity - Early Civilizations in Africa
Homework:  Read 502-512 and do all questions

If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your homework from pages 497-501
  • Get a copy of the new classroom procedures
  • Check your homework answers with a friend or ask Mrs. Rigby to be sure you have the right answers
  • Make up Map Activity - see Mrs. Rigby for a Wednesday Plus Pass
Everyday:  Social Studies
In-class activities:
  • Discuss new classroom procedures
  • Review HW on pages 497-501
  • Introduce unit on Sub-Saharan Africa - locate region on map and discuss its characteristics
  • Take notes on geographical features/climate features
Homework:  Read 502-512 and do all questions

If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your homework from pages 497-501
  • Get a copy of the new classroom procedures
  • Check your homework answers with a friend or ask Mrs. Rigby to be sure you have the right answers

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