Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28th, 2010

White 1 and White 2

In-class activities:
  • Go over new class procedures
  • Take notes on geographical and climatic features of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Pages 502-511:  Read and complete ALL questions from these pages
  • Get blog letter signed by parent
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your homework from pages 497-501
  • Get blog letter from Mrs. Rigby
  • Ask a friend for the class notes or get them from Mrs. Rigby
  • Complete the HW from pages 502-511
Everyday Period 4
In-class activities:
  • Finish notes on geographical and climatic features of Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Begin Map Activity #46:  Early Civilizations of Africa
Homework:  Read 502-511 and complete all questions

If you were absent, you need to:
  • Get the notes from a classmate
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your signed blog letter
  • Complete the homework from pages 502-511
Enjoy your weekend!

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