Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Blue 1 Reading
In-class activities
  • "Ghost of the Lagoon" quiz
  • Go to media center to select a mystery book
  • Go over mystery book project
  • "Ghost of the Lagoon" battle narrative due Thursday:  Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spaced
  • Mystery book project due 3/4
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Make up quiz
  • Select a mystery book in media center or public library
  • Get requirements for mystery book project from Mrs. Rigby
Blue 2 Reading
In-class activities
  • Go over Chapter 17 Review pg. 518
  • Read "Confronting the Legacy of the African Slave Trade" and "An Apology in Ghana"
  • Begin questions from the reading
  • Chapter 17 quiz on Thursday
  • Countries/capitals test Monday 2/14
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your Chapter 17 review
  • Get review notes from a friend or from the blog - *Powerpoint with Chapter 17 review notes will be on the blog tomorrow*
  • Read in-class readings and begin questions - ask Mrs. Rigby for a PLUS pass so you can do this
In-class activities
  • Go over Chapter 17 Review pg. 518
  • Chapter 17 quiz on Thursday
  • Countries/capitals test Monday 2/14
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your Chapter 17 review
  • Get review notes from a friend or from the blog - *Powerpoint with Chapter 17 review notes will be on the blog tomorrow*

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