Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

White 1 and White 2 Social Studies
In-class activities:
  • Go over Chapter 17 review for test
  • Begin reading "Confronting Legacy"
  • Study for Chapter 17 quiz - Friday
  • Countries/capitals test Tuesday 2/15
If you were absent, you need to:
  • Show Mrs. Rigby your Chapter 17 review
  • Check your answers with a classmate or Mrs. Rigby's presentation (will be up on blog by tonight)
  • Get notes from classmate for "Confronting Legacy"
Everyday Social Studies
In-class activities:
  • Finish Chapter 17 review
  • Start "Confronting Legacy"
  • Study for Chapter 17 quiz -  tomorrow
  • Countries/capitals test Monday 2/14
If you were absent, you need to:

Check your answers with a classmate or Mrs. Rigby's presentation (will be up on blog by tonight)
  • Get notes from classmate for "Confronting Legacy"

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